MCCI | Healing
Miracle Christian Centre Church in Watford, England
MCCI, Miracle Christian Centre, MCCI Church
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He Came to Set the Captives Free – Luke 4:18

Twice a year we run an advanced school, training senior leaders and congregations to understand the purpose of inner healing (also known as deliverance) in order that a life of victory can be enjoyed.

Sessions are practical, illustrative and empowering. You will gain an understanding of what is happening around you and your home. For leaders of churches, the understanding of how your church can be infiltrated with demonic activity and how you can command victory over what might seem like impossible situations.


Exodus 15:26

Are you unwell, not enjoying good health, have you been diagnosed with an incurable condition? We have witnessed tremendous demonstration of God’s power to heal. Let us pray with you. With God, nothing is impossible.


Matthew 11:28-30

Do you have a stressful lifestyle or struggling with past or present situations, do you just need someone to talk to? We are here for you.
Jesus is the answer for every situation.

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